Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A method to my madness

Well this is certainly a surprise.  I never expected to create a weblog.  It never appealed to me.  Recently I realized that I have some thoughts, deep ones, that never get expressed.  Because of this, I never completely comprehend them.  This blog is to help me understand myself better, and hopefully to reach out to other people. I'd like to understand this world, the reality of things, and Truth. Care to join me?

My blog's title, Musings of a Madman, is an allusion to Kansas's "Carry On Wayward Son."  It has historically been one of my favorite songs, and the lyrics are just full of meaning.  I take it to mean this (my comments are in parenthesis. Also, please forgive my abridging.):
  • Once I rose above the noise and confusion (The entire world is absolutely full of senseless noise and distraction)
  • Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion (I can tell what the world has isn't what I want, nor is it real- there is more. A higher plane of living.)
  • Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man, Though my mind could think I still was a mad man (I may be considered crazy or blind because I don't like to do things the way the world does. I take a different approach to life.  I can see what's going on. That does not mean I agree with the rest of the world.  Call me "blind" if you will.  I am thinking for myself.  I consider myself a man of reason.  Yet because I try to understand things deeper than surface level, you may call me mad.  So be it.)
So that's where I get my title from.  I do what I can to understand, to see, to reason for anything and everything I encounter.  My conclusions may be different from yours.  That does not mean I dislike you.  I sincerely try to understand any and all sides of an argument.

I discriminate.

Let me define that word.  I don't mean the definition that includes judging people based on their class, color, creed, etc. rather than merit.
Rather, this is what I mean by discriminate:

1. to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of   
2. to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources> 
3. to use good judgment 

I think it is the duty of mankind to do so, especially the third definition.

I look for depth in meaning, even in the mundane and everyday.

I am a deeply spiritual man, so you will hear me make religious references fairly often.  My personal belief is this: I do believe in Absolute Truth.  I believe God knows it.  All of it.  I believe that bits and pieces of this Absolute Truth have been scattered across the world, and that we need to collect them.  I believe in goodness and light and truth in most, if not all, religions.  I also believe that my own faith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly referred to as Mormon), is the Church of Jesus Christ.  It is His.  Led and directed by Him.  I do not believe that any one mortal has gathered all of the Truth yet, though they may come very, very close.  I do believe we can get all of it eventually, and I am certainly trying to.

I believe in correction, improvement, betterment, growth, and positive change.  Yes, that sentence is a bit redundant, but I wanted to be clear.  None of us is yet perfect, so we need to change for the better when we recognize that "better."  This requires that we be open and willing to hear out any principle or creed, and discriminate it.  Weight its value.  Compare and contrast.  Throw your biases out and look at things factually and honestly.  Then either accept it because it is true, or reject it because it is false.  Do not reject and belittle the person presenting it.  Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."  

(Edit: October 17, 2012
I forgot to mention something important in regards to that last paragraph.  

I will change my mind on certain things as time goes by. 

This is not because I was never firmly committed to whatever it was, it is because I have found a better viewpoint, a better solution, etc.  One philosophy I cannot stand in the least is that of never changing your mind.  If you find out you are wrong, admit it.  This is not to say that you should deny that your opinion was once otherwise; It is merely to admit that you are not perfect, saw the light, and found a better conclusion.)

You may occasionally find me vehemently opposed to something.  Please be clear that I am not against any one person or group of people, I am against poisonous and destructive ideas.

So that's it for an introduction.  Hope you enjoy this. :)

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